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Canada geese are grazers and prefer grass, especially
fertilized lawn grass. They tend to forage in areas with
open sight lines and access to water where they can see
and escape predators.

Mated geese pair off in late winter and defend preferred
nesting sites—those near water with a good view of the
surrounding area—from other geese. Geese strongly
prefer to nest on islands and peninsulas and tend to use
the same nest site year after year. They will also
sometimes nest in less than ideal places, such as
landscaped areas in parking lots, planters next to busy 
building entrances, or flat roofs.

Both parents defend the nest and goslings until the
young are 10 weeks old and can fly. Within a day or two
of hatching, parents may lead goslings as far as two
miles to grass and water if their nest site does not offer
these. In any interaction with Canada geese, do no harm
to geese, goslings, eggs or even nests except as
permitted by the U.S. Fish and Wild Service.
Adult Canada geese molt (completely replace flight
feathers) each summer and cannot fly during this sixweek

period. After adults have completed the molt and
young geese grow their first flight feathers, they begin
to travel in flocks.


Resident Canada geese usually move
only short distances for the winter, but bad weather can
cause them to move hundreds of miles in search of
open water and forage.

About the conflicts
Geese graze on lawns. And where geese graze, they also
defecate, raising the ire of people who use these areas.
Sometimes, people express concerns about health and
safety as well. Research has not found any significant
health threats from goose feces. However, people want
to avoid contact with any animal feces and abundant
deposits on playing fields and in high-traffic areas make
that difficult. In some places, geese may cross roads or
forage near roadsides, creating a potential traffic


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